Our Story
This is where it starts
Our story begins with a dislike of being wasteful in the home and has played out to a multi-level company focused on bettering the planet in all ways possible.

We have built our company meetings around finding the things of most concern to our planet that we can affect the most change on. From small to large scale action we believe every step in the right direction is a win for us all.

Our goals are large and in charge with Planet Positivity being our guiding star. We aim to amass a growing community of like minds who want to see a change to wasteful business practices that have become common place in our consumer driven world.

Boxgrn was started not with profit in mind but with world betterment being the gold at the end of the rainbow.

Check our social platforms @Boxgrn where we share our take on the world, useful articles, and content which we feel helps get the message out to the largest possible audience.

We hope you will join us in leaving this planet in better shape than we found it.

Much love to everyone who has taken the time to learn more about us.